
Order your RomantikCard

Please note:
So that you can benefit from the advantages of your RomantikCard directly, you will receive an e-mail with your provisional card number immediately after submitting your order. Please check your spam folder if the e-mail does not reach your inbox. If you cannot find the e-mail there either, you can also request your provisional RomantikCard number by e-mail, stating your full name, at info@romantikhotels.com or by telephone from Mon - Fri from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on +49 (0)69 / 98 93 98 80.

* Credit is given to all hotel and restaurant services and excludes services provided by third parties or partners of the hotel. Events, banquets and family celebrations are excluded. A credit is given up to a maximum invoice amount of 2,500 euros.

The RomantikCard Terms & Conditions