
For all those who enjoy travelling to our Romantik® Hotels & Restaurants, we heartily recommend the RomantikCard. Discover now the new RomantikCard Gold with even more benefits. Find out more about the benefits of the loyalty programme here! Order the right RomantikCard directly to your home and enter the world of Romantik®.

RomantikCard Gold


Join our new loyalty programme today for just €89 per year and benefit from 8% credit on stays on your RomantikCard Gold and many more benefits.



RomantikCard Classic


Take part in our free loyalty programme and receive a 3% credit on your RomantikCard Classic when you stay at Romantik® Hotels or Restaurants.



Order directly now!

Discover even more advantages of your RomantikCard Gold:

RomantikCard Gold

More than a benefit programme for all those who regularly travel with Romantik®!

As a guest of Romantik® Hotels & Restaurants, you are convinced of warm hospitality, culinary experiences and adventures in the most beautiful regions.

You will receive a credit of 8% on your RomantikCard Gold for stays and restaurant visits up to a maximum of €2,500 when you depart from the hotels. With your RomantikCard Gold, Romantik® opens further doors for you and lets you participate in unique experiences. As a member, you can look forward to regular invitations to private arrangements and events from our Romantik® Hotels & Restaurants. Members also receive special offers from our partners.

explore Romantik Stories

Ihre RomantikCard Gold lohnt sich ab dem ersten Aufenthalt mit Romantik® - überzeugen Sie sich selbst!

Dank der RomantikCard Gold können Sie bereits nach einem einzigen Aufenthalt eine Gutschrift von bis zu 200€ sammeln. Auf diese Weise rechnet sich Ihre Jahresgebühr für die Karte praktisch von selbst. Ihr angespartes Guthaben können Sie außerdem verwenden, um Ihre nächste Reise mit Romantik® zu genießen.

Werden Sie noch heute Mitglied und erleben Sie die Vorteile, die die Mitgliedschaft der RomantikCard Gold und unser Loyalitätsprogramm zu bieten haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie als geschätzten Gast zu begrüßen!



explore Romantik Stories EN

Your RomantikCard Gold is worth it from your first stay with Romantik® - experience it for yourself!

Thanks to the RomantikCard Gold, you can collect a credit of up to €200 after just one stay. This way, your annual fee for the Card practically pays for itself. You can also use your saved credit to enjoy your next trip with Romantik®.

Become a member today and experience the benefits that RomantikCard Gold membership and our loyalty programme have to offer. We look forward to welcoming you as a valued guest!


RomantikCard Classic

RomantikCard Classic

You can use the RomantikCard Classic free of charge for all stays at Romantik® Hotels or Restaurants.

You will receive a 3% credit on your stay and restaurant visit up to a maximum of €2,500 when you leave a Romantik® Hotel or Restaurant. Take part in our free loyalty programme, order your RomantikCard Classic directly and enjoy the benefits of your card when travelling to numerous Romantik® Hotels in Europe!

Discover past package and event invitations of RomantikCard Gold holders here, read more about the on-site experiences and view exclusive picture and video material.

Romantik Hotel Zur Schwane
Romantik Hotel Mondragon Zierikzee
RomantikCard Gold experiences

Questions & Answers

To apply for the RomantikCard Classic or RomantikCard Gold, please use the registration form, which you can access by clicking on the "Order now directly" button. You can select the desired RomantikCard on the registration form. You are also welcome to apply for your card by telephone on +49 (0)69 / 98 93 98 80 or by email to info@romantikhotels.com

The RomantikCard is accepted in all Romantik® Hotels in Europe. Excluded from the offer are our partner hotels in France (Teritoria), Namibia (Gondwana Collection) and Asia (Secret Retreats).

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Important note:

The provider of our reservation system is currently experiencing technical problems.
If an online reservation on www.romantikhotels.com does not work for you, please contact the hotel concerned directly by telephone or e-mail.

Thank you for your understanding!