
Romantik Blog

Off to the board

Nowadays, stand up paddlers can be seen on almost every body of water. A light breeze, the calming effect of the lake and the easy, relaxed movement of paddling - you just have to love this sport. Stand Up Paddling skilfully combines sport and recreational pleasure and is easy to master for every sporting level. Whether relaxed paddling on beautiful summer days or even as an effective workout such as with yoga and fitness exercises on board - there is something here for every water sports fan. Look forward to relaxing and at the same time active hours on the water and let the dreamlike atmosphere of sun, lake and nature take effect on you.

Hotel tip at Zürichsee

With its fantastic location directly on Lake Zurich, the Romantik Seehotel Sonne is the ideal starting point for a beautiful stand-up paddling tour. The hotel offers its guests this possibility and enables a comfortable entry into the water via the hotel's own garden directly on the lake. Take in the fantastic lake panorama and experience a new side of Lake Zurich here. Host Catherine Julen-Grüter knows what Stand Up Paddling is all about and has a few tips that every Stand Up Paddler should bear in mind. Because as with any other sport, there are a few rules to follow on the lake.

Tips for a stand up paddling tour


Minimum distance


On lakes, there are usually quite a few "fellow users". Therefore, caution is always advised and keeping your distance is a high priority. Also due to the length of the board, which cannot always be perfectly judged, a distance of 5 metres to swimmers, objects of any kind and other paddlers must be kept. The distance to boats and ships becomes even more important: The rule here is that a distance of at least 50 metres ensures safe riding fun and prevents capsizing due to the waves caused by ships. 

Advice for paddlers on Lake Zürich

 On Lake Zürich, so-called tug fishermen can be easily recognised by the colour of the ball on the boat: If the ball is white or yellow, a minimum distance of 50 metres must be maintained, as with other boats.
Stand Up Paddling

Right of way

Stand Up Paddling can be practised alone or in a group. As with any other sport, it is important to act considerately. Always keep in mind when coming into contact with ships, boats and ferries: These always have the right of way. This should not be a problem, however, because on the Stand Up Paddle it is mostly leisurely and the fun and the wonderful surrounding nature are in the foreground.


Water temperature

Of course, paddling is most enjoyable in pleasant summer temperatures. In colder weather, however, nothing stands in the way of this beautiful sport. However, caution is advised and a wetsuit should always be worn when the water temperature is below 15 degrees. If you fall off the board, the cold water can cause muscle failure. Therefore, always remain cautious and do not overestimate yourself or your own perception of the cold.

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