
Romantik Blog

The Netherlands and a castle hotel - it fits. After all, the country has been a stable monarchy for centuries and the current King Willem-Alexander is extremely popular at home and abroad. If you want to feel like a prince or princess, you should stay in a castle hotel in the Netherlands. The Romantik Hotels & Restaurants programme even includes a particularly traditional hotel: the Auberge de Campveerse Toren in Veere is where the first Dutch king, Willem of Oranje, known as the Silent One, celebrated his wedding in 1575. At that time, seven provinces formerly belonging to the Spanish crown had united to form the nucleus of today's Netherlands. Not least because of this, the house in the province of Zeeland is still particularly popular with bridal couples today.

Experience Netherlands in a castle hotel

In addition to the noble past, the castle hotels of the Netherlands also offer a noble present. For example, because guests can feel like royalty here and are pampered to the hilt. Oysters and Oosterschelde lobster are on the menu, as well as roast beef from the deer and other culinary specialities that were reserved for noblemen in earlier times. At Kasteel Daelenbroeck near Herkenbosch, the castle tower now houses the luxury suites with views over the countryside. Just imagine that the lands belonged to you - at least for a while.

Relax like a king at the Castle Hotel Netherlands

Besides the noble hostels themselves, the surroundings of the castle hotels of the Netherlands are also worth a visit. In the delta of the Meuse with its many lakes around Veere, for example, sailors feel at home, the sandy beaches on the North Sea invite you to take long walks or swim. South-westerly winds ensure a mild climate, which further enhances the recreational value. In Herkenbosch, far inland, golf or horseback riding, for example, are on the recreational programme. And here as there, of course, the Dutch national sport of cycling. The best thing to do is to book your castle hotel in the Netherlands right here!

Castle Hotel Netherlands


Romantik Hotel
Parc Broekhuizen

NL - Utrecht

Romantik Hotel
Kasteel Daelenbroeck

NL - Limburg

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