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Grilling with spiced honey

Smoked meat with marinade

This spiced honey with an exotic note is ideal for grilling ducks and suckling pigs or as a marinade for Asian stir-fry.

Ingredients for the basic recipe:

  • 150 g honey from the beekeeper
    30 g ground coriander
    10 g ground cumin

Additionally for the refined version:

  • 1 clove of garlic
    30 g white sesame seeds
    4 chopped cardamom seeds
    1 tbsp soy sauce
    2 tbsp sherry

Alternatively, any commercially available honey can be used. The garlic clove can be replaced by garlic powder, the soy sauce by balsamic vinegar. Port wine can also be used instead of salt and pepper.


  • Warm the honey to room temperature.
    Finely chop the garlic or grind it with a little salt.
    Mix all the ingredients together well.
    Put the ingredients in a jar until ready to use and seal well.

When mixing, the individual strong flavour components blend together to form a new whole. If you spread the mixture on a roasted duck and place it under the top heat again, the honey melts and spreads very well.

The spices develop their full aroma under the top heat.

Grill version:

  • Cut the meat to be marinated (e.g. duck breast) into equal pieces and marinate with the honey for approx. 3-5 hours.
  • Then place on a skewer (e.g. with pineapple or grapes) and grill directly.

As a guideline for the amount of marinade, you can assume 1 teaspoon of spiced honey for 1 breast, but everyone can change this according to their personal taste.

Smoked veal rump from grill (4 – 6 people)

Ingredients for the basic recipe:

  • 1 whole veal rump

In addition for refinement:

  • 2 large onions
    2 tomatoes
    Olive oil
    Smoking chips

Alternatively, the onions can be replaced by shallots. Instead of tomatoes, peppers, carrots or cauliflower can be used and thyme or sage can be used instead of rosemary. Likewise, the olive oil can be replaced with another oil.


  • Preheat the 57cm ball grill to approx. 130 °C to 150 °C with half a kindling of briquettes (approx. 20 pieces depending on the manufacturer)!
  • Halve the peeled onions, cut them straight at the ends, break out the inner 3 - 5 ribs (set aside for vegetable stock) and cut the outer part into even strips from the inside out using the French cutting technique.
  • Remove the stalk from the tomatoes, quarter them, remove the seeds and cut them into even strips (if you like, you can also remove the skin from the tomatoes beforehand).
  • Put the onions, tomatoes, herbs and oil in a suitable ovenproof dish, season with salt, pepper, a little sherry, then add a large cup of water and place in the grill.
  • Soak the wood chips in water for about ½ hour.
  • Remove the thick sinew from the boiled beef, also remove any small sinews or skin. The fat side remains completely on the meat.
  • Salt and pepper the boiled beef, brush with a little olive oil, place on the grill grate with the fat side up (roasting basket) and grill indirectly for approx. 60 - 90 minutes.
  • Put the first smoke chips on the briquettes and smoke them gradually several times as desired.

Tip from barbecue expert André Greul:

  • Occasionally check the temperature with a core temperature probe, at approx. 60 °C - 65 °C the boiled beef is cooked medium. Caution: Slice against the grain.
  • Depending on the size of the cut, you may have to cook it again briefly. The boiled beef should be stored for at least 3 weeks.

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